Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama, Redistribution, and Transforming America

Obama vowed to "transform" America if we elected him president of the United States.

After four years in office, we now know what Obama's American "transformation" vision entails - permanent dependence, religious oppression, demonization of success and hard work, an all-powerful central government, disregarding the Bill of Rights.

Obama isn't about promoting American exceptionalism. He's about American mediocrity.

NO ONE who values liberty is better off today than four years ago.

If you're into handouts, being "owned" by the government, and are willing to give up your freedom, vote for Obama.

If you value your freedom, your most basic rights, and believe America is the land of opportunity, vote for Mitt Romney.


Harvey Finkelstein said...

If he's not to busy...

Mary said...

Obama is engaged in a full-blown cover-up about Libya.

I'm disgusted by Obama, his administration, and anyone disseminating and protecting their lies.

Harvey Finkelstein said...

It's going to be a landslide and the media will be pantsed.

Mary said...

From your keystrokes to God's ears.