Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obama's War on the First Amendment

I cannot believe what's happening in my beloved country.

Yes, I knew Obama was a radical liberal. I knew he was an extremist, a hard-Left activist.

But I didn't know Obama would so liberally disregard the Bill of Rights.

It was unthinkable that someone who took the oath of office, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, would so thoroughly and repeatedly break that oath.

Did you ever think an American president would oppress Catholics, ignoring our First Amendment rights to freely exercise our religion?

Obama is openly, unashamedly oppressing Catholics.

Did you think you would ever witness an American president champion the oppression of a private citizen, in an effort to intimidate him from exercising his free speech rights, all to advance his own political fortune?

Obama and his hacks are trying to silence a citizen, using him as a scapegoat, blaming the administration's foreign policy failures, including the murder of an ambassador and three other Americans, on an obscure trailer on YouTube.

Obama's assault on the Constitution should scare all freedom-loving Americans.

We should be horrified enough to be moved to action, to vote Obama out of office and elect Mitt Romney.

We're talking about our most precious rights being at risk under Obama.

It's absolutely frightening.

The Obama administration is a threat to our liberty.

On July 26, 2012, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas Perez actually refused to defend free speech when asked a very straightforward question.

From CNSNews:

Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas Perez refused to say Thursday whether the Justice Department would ever “entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion.”

During a House subcommittee hearing examining fairness in voting rights enforcement, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, referenced an article detailing a meeting between top Justice Department officials and Islamist advocates, where the advocates reportedly lobbied officials for “a legal declaration that U.S. citizens’ criticism of Islam constitutes racial discrimination.”

...“What were the concrete thoughts after the meeting with, among others, a leader of an unindicted co-conspirator organization and the largest terror finance trial in the history after hearing a blatantly unconstitutional proposal to destroy First Amendment free speech rights of Americans by outlawing criticism of a religion?” Franks asked Perez at the hearing.

“According to the article, no one at Justice, including you, objected to this call to aggregate free speech. Americans would be shocked to learn that their Justice officials and unindicted co-conspirators in a terrorism trial huddled together to discuss ways to take away Americans’ freedom of speech,” Franks continued.

“Will you tell us here today, and I apologize for having to hurry. Will you tell us here today that this administration’s Department of Justice will never again entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?” he asked Perez.

Perez responded that he was not familiar with the context of the article that Franks described and that he had not seen the article.

“I would have to read the article in order to understand the context of the article. What I can tell you is that the Department of Justice aggressively enforces all of the civil rights laws, including laws that protect religious authorities,” Perez said.

...Later in the hearing, Franks brought up the issue again, asking Perez pointedly, “Will you tell us here today that this administration’s Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?

When Perez didn’t answer the question, Franks said, “Now that’s not a hard question.”

“Actually, it is a hard question in the sense that when you make threats against someone …” Perez replied before Franks cut him off and asked him the question twice more.

...“Anyway, I want to get an answer to a fairly basic question here. If the Department of Justice can’t even answer the question whether they will entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion, then it’s pretty late in the day,” Franks added.

Franks' exchange with Perez is stunning.

An Obama DOJ official refuses to rule out criminalizing free speech.


Here's video:

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