Monday, October 15, 2012

Catholics and the 2012 Election

During the vice presidential debate, the very Catholic Joe Biden lied to the American people about the HHS mandate.

He knowingly misled Americans. He flat-out lied about the Obama administration's assault on religious liberty.

I think he needs to do some soul-searching.

I think Catholic supporters of Obama and Biden need to do some soul-searching.

We need our religious liberty and rights of conscience restored.

We need to elect Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


jimspice said...

And Ryan lied about scrubbing pots at St. Vinnies, but I'm sure you don't care about that one.

Mary said...

HEY! Quit being so snippy.

"[B]ut I'm sure you don't care about that one."

Why do you keep lashing out like that? Feeling threatened? A bit uneasy?

TMZ is walking back its account. Ryan did wash dirty dishes.

Typical campaigning.

The point of my post still stands: Obama is spitting on the Bill of Rights. His religious oppression is unacceptable. It's unconstitutional. It's time for Catholics to object to Obama's abuse when we go to the polls.