I'm a practicing Catholic.
As a Catholic, I'm disgusted by Obama's assault on my faith. I'm disgusted by his war on the First Amendment.
Obama is attacking my God-given rights and my freedom.
People of all faiths should be outraged by Obama's war on Catholics. His religious intolerance is un-American.
I cannot understand why any Catholic would vote for Obama, given the way he has attacked our liberty, and given the strong stance U.S. Catholic bishops and Cardinal Timothy Dolan have taken in response to Obama's abuse.
Read: "Current Threats to Religious Liberty - An Overview of Specific Examples"
Apparently, the Obama campaign is attempting to deceive Catholics via phone calls, spouting outright lies.
From Wisconsin Right to Life:
The head of a pro-life committee at a parish I know just received a call from the Obama campaign. The caller asked for her daughter by name, and when she was not there then asked where she could be contacted. Her mother responded by telling the Obama supporter, “not to waste her time as my daughter is supporting the pro-life candidates Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.”The fact is Obama is the most radical, pro-abortion president in the history of our nation.
When the caller hesitated and acted surprised, the mother, a staunch pro-life Catholic, said:
“My daughter is a practicing Catholic and would never cast a vote for a pro-abortion, pro-same sex marriage, pro-embryonic stem cell research, pro-euthanasia candidate who supported the HHS mandate that will take away religious freedoms from Catholic hospitals, Catholic charities, and Catholic institutions.”
The Obama supporter then launched into her “canned response” and started reading from her call script: “Well, I am a practicing Catholic, and I strongly support President Obama.” The mother then asked her if she was “familiar with the Pope’s five “non-negotiable’s.”‘ The Obama supporter had no idea what she was talking about and explained that it was only the Pope’s “opinion” to ban the use of contraception.
The Obama caller then went back to her script, asking these clever questions:
1. How can you support a “Mormon” who does not believe in Jesus Christ?The mother replied, “How can you support a man who supports the killing of innocent pre-born children for all nine months?”
2. What do you think about the “Nuns on the Bus” who support Obama?
Then, she added, “How can you support a president who denigrates the Sacrament of Marriage by supporting same sex marriage which is against the teaching of the Church?”
The Catholic mother then concluded with, “How can you as a Catholic support a president who supports partial birth abortion and did not support the Born Alive Protection Act when he was a state senator in Illinois?”
Now, get this! The Obama supporter, again reading from her call script, countered, “President Obama did not support abortion.”
As the chair of a pro-life committee, this Catholic woman was more than up to the task of correcting the caller. She asked her “to do some homework.” For example, did she notice that as recently as the Democratic Convention “pro-abortion speakers and supporters of Planned Parenthood were the featured speakers?”
Then came the biggest whopper of all. The Obama supporter said, “Planned Parenthood helps children get health care and prenatal care and does not promote abortion.”
Stunning, isn’t it? The lies people are willing to tell….
We can stop him by voting for Mitt Romney.
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