Sunday, October 14, 2012

SNL: Big Bird, Obama's Car

While watching Saturday Night Live, I saw Obama's Big Bird ad, the one the Sesame Workshop asked Obama to pull.

Needless to say, Obama is ignoring that request.

It ran at 11:07 PM CT.

Shortly after the campaign ad aired, the controversy was a topic on SNL's "Weekend Update."

SETH MEYERS: Children's Television Workshop on Tuesday asked the Obama campaign to stop running an ad featuring Big Bird, saying that Sesame Street and its characters are nonpartisan. President Obama knew Big Bird was serious when he saw his car.

Why is Obama continuing to exploit Big Bird?

Moreover, why is Sesame Workshop permitting it? If there's a sincere desire for Obama to stop airing the ad, I think another statement is in order, one that condemns the Obama campaign. That's not going to happen. Last Tuesday's statement was jut a way to provide cover, so the claim of being nonpartisan could be made.

As long as the ad keeps running without any continuing objection by Sesame Workshop, Big Bird continues to campaign for Obama.

Actually, I think the ad is great. It makes Obama look so small. Instead of dealing with serious issues, offering solutions, he's trying to win votes with Big Bird.


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