Tuesday, September 9, 2014

John Doe Investigation: WASTING MONEY

Your tax dollars at work, Wisconsinites:

The cost to taxpayers for defending the state against lawsuits over an investigation into Gov. Scott Walker and his allies has quickly escalated to more than $672,000 and is certain to climb higher.

The cost is nearly double the nearly $350,000 that had been billed as of June.

The expenses have been accrued to defend Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz and other officials who have been sued in federal court over their probe into whether the Wisconsin Club for Growth and other conservative groups illegally colluded with Walker during the 2011 and 2012 recall elections.
Who's to blame for flushing all this money down the toilet?

Certainly not the conservative groups filing suit against John Chisholm and his coven of witch hunters.

Blame the Leftists for this "un-John Doe" investigation and the fallout.

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