Monday, December 12, 2016

Wisconsin Recount Final Results: Trump Up 131

Here is the final tally from the Wisconsin 2016 presidential election recount: Trump gained 131 votes more than he had on election night.

He beat Hillary by 131 votes more than we thought.


Was it worth it, Jill Stein and all you chumps who donated to the effort?

From the Associated Press:

Republican Donald Trump's victory in Wisconsin has been reaffirmed following a presidential recount that showed him defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 22,000 votes.

Trump picked up a net 162 votes as a result of the recount that the Wisconsin Elections Commission certified Monday. Green Party candidate Jill Stein requested and paid for the recount that began Dec. 1.

But after recounting nearly 3 million ballots, little changed. The final results changed by fewer than 1,800 votes.

... Wisconsin's recount uncovered no widespread problems or hacking as Stein had suggested, without evidence, that there might be.
FOX6 News reports Trump picked up an additional 131 votes.

From FOX6 news:

Wisconsin’s presidential recount has been completed and the Wisconsin Elections Commission certified the results Monday, December 12th.

The Commission declared President-elect Donald Trump the winner in Wisconsin.

According to the Commission, out of 2.975 million votes cast in the presidential election, the recount revealed a net change across candidates of just 1,769 votes.

That means the recount changed the Wisconsin presidential election results by 0.06 percent.

Mr. Trump gained 837 votes and Hillary Clinton added 706, meaning that Mr. Trump added 131 more votes than he had on Election Night.

Wisconsin Elections Commissioner Mark Thomsen certified a canvass statement in Madison at 3:00 p.m. on Monday. The canvass statement that will be signed is the official Wisconsin result of the general election, conducted on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, for the Office of President of the United States.
Whatever, Trump is the winner.

Apparently, the AP has it wrong.

From the Wisconsin Elections Commission:

Wisconsin Elections Commission Chair Mark Thomsen today certified results of the presidential election following a 10-day recount process, confirming Republican Donald J. Trump the winner in Wisconsin.

“Completing this recount was a challenge, but the real winners are the voters,” said Thomsen. “Based on the recount, they can have confidence that Wisconsin’s election results accurately reflect the will of the people, regardless of whether they are counted by hand or by machine. The Commission thanks all those involved in the recount for their hard work and dedication.”

Donald Trump received 1,405,284 votes in the recount compared to 1,404,440 in the original canvass. Hillary Clinton received 1,382,536 votes in the recount compared to 1,381,823 in the recount. The original margin between the top two candidates was 22,617 votes. After the recount, the margin is 22,748. After the recount, Trump’s margin over Clinton increased by just 131 votes.
Note to the Associated Press: It's 131, not 162.

This is funny.

Hillary didn't even decrease her margin of defeat. Trump's victory margin increased.

Here's a statement from the Republican Party of Wisconsin:

“This recount served as nothing more than one final, desperate attempt for Hillary Clinton and her most extreme supporters to try and overturn Wisconsin’s election results. Now that this absurd political stunt has ended, we can focus on coming together behind common-sense reforms in Washington and an agenda that will move Wisconsin and this country forward.”

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