Sunday, February 25, 2018

David Hogg - Grieving

Everyone grieves differently.

When I've experienced trauma and loss, when I've been grieving, I didn't go on TV. I didn't organize boycotts.

Again, everyone grieves differently; but it's hard to look at this targeting of the NRA, the extreme politicization of the tragedy, and the demonization of supporters of the 2nd Amendment, so soon after the horrific shooting and not see exploitation of the crisis.

Have the shooting survivors lashed out at Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and Deputy Sheriff Scot Peterson and all the FBI agents responsible for screwing up so royally, resulting in the deaths of classmates? Are they attacking these officials for failing them?

I'm sure some are, but certainly not "celebrity" David Hogg.

This is all so disturbing.

I've never seen children grieve like this.

What's most troubling is that bloviating will accomplish nothing.

Are we interested in keeping kids at schools safe?

If we are, we can do that.

Schools and churches are soft targets. We all know that. Killers know that. Until schools and churches are no longer soft targets, nothing will change. Students and churchgoers are in danger.

Demand that FedEx sever ties with the NRA? Demanding that airlines and car rental companies quit giving discounts to NRA members?

That's going to keep kids safe in their schools?


If we want to solve the problem, let's solve it.

Laws aren't the solution. What Nikolas Cruz did was against the law.

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