Thursday, June 7, 2018

Wisconsin Leftists - Violent Imagery Targets Walker and Vukmir

Wisconsin Leftists are at it again, employing violent imagery in a political message.

From Media Trackers:

A liberal group is being criticized for its imagery of a target on Governor Scott Walker and state Senator Leah Vukmir. The image on a Citizen Action of Wisconsin podcast shows a target with an arrow or spear over Walker and Vukmir with the message: “open political season.”


Alec Zimmerman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin blasted CAW for use of the image:
“Liberal groups are always ready to blame violence on conservatives, and it’s outrageous that this far-left group would turn around and do this when Gov. Walker and Wisconsin Republicans have repeatedly faced death threats for standing on principle. The anger and hatred of the left is on full display, but Wisconsin Republicans are ready to counter it and keep fighting for bold reform.”
The Walker campaign also issued a statement:
“We would have thought that extreme liberal organizations would have learned from the overreach and death threats Republicans faced in the past. The governor will remain focused on moving our state forward to help Wisconsin win the 21st century.”
The Vukmir campaign also commented:
“The unhinged left loves to be outraged. They’re outraged Gov. Walker and Leah have successfully turned Wisconsin around. They’re outraged President Trump won. And they’re certainly going to be outraged when Leah beats Sen. Baldwin in the fall.” — Jess Ward, campaign manager

Of course, the Leftists insist that President Trump is responsible for the coarseness of the current political environment, condemning him while engaging in irresponsible rhetoric themselves.

Wisconsin Democrats have a history of ugly images and angry, hateful statements.

From December 30, 2010:

One's reaction to the controversy over the anti-Scott Walker bumper sticker being offered by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin may hinge on which version of the sticker one views.

Currently, on the website of the Wisconsin Dems, this is the sticker being promoted:

Scott Walker's not even in office yet, but he has already killed the high-speed rail project, and in the process sent thousands of family-supporting jobs to other states that could have been right here in Wisconsin.

Enough is enough. Since you can't take the train, sign up to get a free DPW bumper sticker that shows your support for high-speed rail wherever you go — and your support for the thousands of jobs the project would have created.

Sign Up to Get Your DPW "High Speed Fail" Sticker

That sticker doesn't look as offensive to me in terms of bloody imagery as this version:

This is the version of the Dems' sticker that was shown last night on FOX 6 News.

There's a world of difference between a depiction of the train slamming into Walker's head with what appears to be bloody results and an image of the train shooting out of Walker's head.

On TMJ4's 10:00 PM newscast last night, the version now being offered by the Wisconsin Dems, the one with the train coming out of Walker's head, was shown.

Both of the Dems' stickers are lame in my opinion, but the version depicting what looks like blood spurting out of Walker's head as the train hits his temple is a violent, gory, and highly inappropriate image for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to be hawking.

Clearly, the Dems agreed. I only see one sticker available on their website today.

Thanks to Google's cache, the original version lives on.

It's not good for the Wisconsin Dems, or the national party for that matter, when the Associated Press highlights their bumper sticker of questionable taste just days before Republican Scott Walker will be inaugurated and become the governor of Wisconsin. More Leftist extremism exposed.

Kudos to FOX 6 for showing the sticker that actually prompted the outrage. As for TMJ4, try harder.
Wisconsin Democrats were angry and violent long before President Trump entered politics.

Granted, his election sent the Dems completely off the rails. But their anger and derangement is nothing new.

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