Friday, July 24, 2020


A dramatically shortened season.

No fans.


Players showing disrespect for those serving in the military and veterans by disrespecting the American flag and the National Anthem.

Major League Baseball showing support for Black Lives Matter, a police-hating, Marxist organization.

If Major League Baseball, the owners, and the players believe our country is such a horrible place and fans must be lectured that they are horrible, racist people, then I don't want any part of this season.

That's not my idea of America's pastime.

1 comment:

Sherman Broder said...

On opening day all Yankees and Nationals players and coaches genuflected to those who despise America. How can any God-fearing American support MLB, given that MLB officially approves of this travesty?

Trump said at Mt. Rushmore: "We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God."

The rubber has hit the road. It's time for Americans to put up or shut up.

MLB (and the NFL) can virtue-signal all it wants, but without me!