Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chris Rock and Jay Leno

(Screen grab/ NBC)

Chris Rock followed Michelle Obama as a guest on The Tonight Show on Monday.

Leno asked if he met Mrs. Obama backstage. He said he did, and that she slapped him upside the hea.

Rock said, "Yes, I got the chance to meet her. I said, 'Hi,' and she just smacked me upside the head. It was incredible. She just popped me, Jay. What the hell? What's goin' on?"

Rock said Michelle Obama told him, "Vote, you bastard."

That was more than a little weird.

Rock said she was J. Crew out with Jay Leno, but off camera she was "Gucci, Gucci, Gucci."

It was also a little uncomfortable when Rock was talking about how after the debates the candidates are met by their wives on stage and they kiss.

He said, "First off, Barack Obama is the coolest guy in the world."

"The debate is easy for him, but he's got like a fine wife, right? The hardest part is when the debate's over and he has to hug his wife, is to grab waist and not ass. That's the hardest part... You get married to grab ass."

Leno seemed to squirm at that a little. It was funny, but a bit undignified given that Michelle Obama had just left.

Of course, Rock's role isn't to be dignified. His objective is to entertain and make people laugh. He succeeded with me.

About the election, Rock said he knew Obama was special when he won Iowa because there are only 8 black people in Iowa.

Rock said, "They only sold 3 copies of Thriller in Iowa, and 2 of them were returned."

"Get this jungle crap out of my house."

Yes, that's the sort of thing white people say in Iowa. They supported Obama, but they think Thriller is jungle crap. Funny, but not very nice.

He had some really good material on the economy and Britney Spears' kids and Halloween.

Rock was on the show to hawk his new movie, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa! He's the voice of Marty the Zebra in the animated film.

Rock said, "Much like Barack Obama, I am mixed race -- a little bit of black, a little bit of white, man."

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