Monday, March 2, 2009

Irresponsibility: 6-Year-Old Boy Left in Day Care Van

Adults need to act like adults.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

A six-year-old boy was unharmed after spending all night in a day care van parked outdoors after he was forgotten inside the van, Milwaukee police said Sunday.

Lt. Raynard Richards said the boy and two siblings were to be dropped off at their home Friday afternoon. The mother was gone but another person was to pick them up. The person picked up the other two children but the boy was asleep in a back seat of the van and did not get out, Richards said.

The driver of the van parked it at the ABC Day Care Center at 5920 W. Center St. and left without noticing the boy, Richards said. It appears no one noticed the boy was absent until the mother called home Saturday morning and the person who was supposed to be taking care of the boy realized he was missing, Richards said.

Thankfully, the little boy was unharmed, but he had to have been cold spending all night in a van parked outside. He had to have been hungry and thirsty. He must have been scared to be stuck in the van from Friday afternoon through Saturday morning.

This is a case of incredible irresponsibility.

Did the mother fail to tell the person caring for her children that there were three?

How could the person in charge of the children have been so clueless about something as basic as how many children he or she would be supervising? I don't get that at all.

I wonder how old the 6-year-old boy's siblings are. Apparently, they weren't old enough to alert the person that their brother was missing.

Certainly the driver of the van is responsible for checking that all children have been dropped off and no child is left in the van. That wasn't done.

The adults in this matter behaved terribly irresponsibly. It's so sad that these children are dependent on such careless adults.

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