Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bob Beckel and Joe Biden's Ashes

Bob Beckel has some explaining to do.

He found the ashes on Joe Biden's forehead to be laughable.

Here's a release on the subject from the Catholic League:

February 17, 2010

Fox News analyst Bob Beckel today criticized Vice President Joe Biden for wearing ashes on TV; today is Ash Wednesday and Biden is Catholic.

In the middle of a discussion on President Obama’s stimulus plan, Beckel gratuitously said, “Sorry about laughing, but I looked at Joe Biden’s forehead, and I know it is Ash Wednesday, but I’m not sure I would wear that ash on the air. Anyway….”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue wasn’t amused:

Bob Beckel’s admonishing remark, “I’m not sure I would wear that ash on the air,” makes us wonder whether it is the public display of ashes he finds risible, or the religion that sports them.

In any event, there is no record of Beckel ever lecturing a Jew about wearing a yarmulke on TV or a Muslim wearing a turban. Must be something about Catholicism that bothers this guy. We’d love to know what it is. At the very least, a clarification about what he meant is in order.

Is Beckel ridiculing Biden for trying to pass himself off as a practicing Catholic when he has spent his political career in Washington voting against a Culture of Life, in violation of the teaching of his faith, condemning millions and millions of unborn children to death?

Is Beckel mocking Biden's hypocrisy?

Or, is Beckel mocking the practice of wearing ashes as an observance of Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent?

Beckel needs to clarify.

Is he insulting Biden or Catholics in general?

Beckel, self-proclaimed born-again Christian and man of faith, definitely needs to explain.

It's not cool to be dissing people for practicing their faith.


Unknown said...

I think you are giving Beckel too much credit here. You would not ask Olberman to clarify.

Wrong is wrong.

Mary said...

I probably wouldn't need to ask Olbermann to clarify his statements because he makes his idiocy so very clear.

Wrong is wrong when it's wrong.

Susan said...

I agree totally with Bill Donohue - I wish he was on TV more or we could hear from him more - there will be NO apology to Catholics compared to other religions - don't you remember - Catholics are dismissed as pedophiles!

Me said...

i'm not catholic -- i'm non-denominational christian and I am one more person on record saying that Beckel spoke inappropriately here.