Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obama and Process

Obama cared about process before he didn't.



BRET BAIER: I know you don't like to talk about process, but there are a lot of questions in these 18,000 that talk about process.

OBAMA: I understand being —


BAIER: And there are a lot of people around America that have a problem with this process.

OBAMA: ...[T]he focus entirely is on Washington process. And yes, I have said that is an ugly process. It was ugly when Republicans were in charge, it was ugly were in Democrats were in charge.

JANUARY 28, 2008
OBAMA: And this probably dates back to my work as a community organizer when I first got out of college, I'm a strong believer that the way you change our policies is by including the American people in the process, that that's how democracy has to work. And if you've got barriers that lock in insiders, then you get dysfunctional policies.

I know I'd like to be in on the process of determining the bribes.

I'd like to see that happening out in the open. I'm sure it would be a fascinating view of "community organizing" in action.


Note to Obama: Buckling under legal pressure to post some White House visitor records doesn't count as transparency.


Harvey Finkelstein said...

I see that Obama will not rule out using the Slaughter Rule on other legislation such as immigration, etc.

And I thought Bush was supposed to be the Dictator. The joke is on the dupes that voted for Obama. Nothing like some wet behind the ears clueless junior senator trying to take over the country. All of his buddies must be thrilled. I guess he never really did throw them under the bus, did he.

Mary said...

Right. Talk about shredding the Constitution!

That's true. Obama really didn't throw his buddies under the bus. He just asked them to hide for a while.