Friday, September 3, 2010

Obama: Tom Barrett FIGHTING!

What is wrong with Obama?

How could he be so insensitive?

I know Obama has a cruel streak. He mocks Special Olympics athletes on national TV and makes jokes at their expense.

But why, when speaking at a fundraiser for Tom Barrett in Milwaukee, would Obama do something so offensive as talking about Barrett "fighting"?

Doesn't Obama know what happened to Barrett last summer? Doesn't Obama remember Barrett's fight with Anthony Peters?

Transcrip excerpts

Remarks by the President at Luncheon for Mayor Tom Barrett
U.S. Cellular Arena
Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 16, 2010

OBAMA: [Barrett] hasn’t forgotten where he came from. Grew up right here in Wisconsin; started off after college working on the assembly line at Harley-Davidson; and ever since then, he has been fighting to bring jobs and opportunity and hope to the people of this state.

OBAMA: That means this is a person who is going to fight for you each and every day.

OBAMA: That’s why Tom Barrett is running for governor -- to get this economy moving so every single person in Wisconsin who wants to work can find a job. That’s what we’re fighting for.

OBAMA: But I just want everybody here, when you’re talking to your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, constantly ask the question, who do you think is fighting for you?

OBAMA: And as long as I have the privilege of being your President, I’m going to keep fighting alongside you to reach that better day. (Applause.) And if you give Tom Barrett a chance, he’s going to make you proud as governor, fighting for you to reach that better day.


Obama shows no sensitivity for what Barrett went through when he intervened in a domestic dispute and sustained serious injuries as a result.

Obama keeps talking about Barrett fighting. Obama throws repeated cheap shots. He says fighter Barrett will fight for us. Fight, fight, fight!

How terribly inappropriate of Obama to use such terms!

Very offensive! Absolutely shameful!

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