Friday, September 29, 2017

Jimmy Fallon: Trump's Tax Code Titles Joke

JIMMY FALLON: Trump is still saying the plan will simplify the country's tax code, and here's the plan's actual title - this is real: 'Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code.' This is to make the plan simpler, that's the title. But that's actually a better title than some of the other ones he considered. I'll show what I mean.

First, there was 'The Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code That Only I Can Fix, Believe Me!'

He also thought about 'The Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code That Billions And Billions Of People Tell Me All The Time Is The Brokenest Tax Code They've Ever Seen, Sad!'

And finally, 'The Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code That No One Noticed Because I Started A Fight With The NFL, NBA, And North Korea In One Week! #sorrynotsorry'

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