Thursday, November 9, 2017

Randy Bryce - Iron Stache, Deadbeat Dad

Democrat Randy Bryce wants to challenge Paul Ryan.

Leftists from out of state are backing Bryce.

Turns out this Dem darling was a deadbeat dad.

Dan Bice writes:

The 52-year-old military veteran, who has featured his 11-year-old son in that online ad and in fundraising letters, was delinquent on paying his child support for nearly two years.

The state placed a lien on Bryce's meager property holdings in September 2015 because he had fallen behind on his child support payments. Bryce paid off the $1,257 debt on Aug. 31, two months after launching his congressional bid.

...Bryce's primary opponent, Cathy Myers, said this is no small matter. Myers and Bryce face off for the Democratic nomination in August, with the winner taking on Ryan.

The Janesville School Board member said she is a single mother who struggled to provide for two now-grown children.

"When my ex-husband got behind on his child support, I had to take a second job," Myers said. "I put my personal interests aside and focused all my attention on providing for my family."

Along with failing to pay his child support on time, Bryce has had other financial problems over the years, including bankruptcy in 1999 and owing more than $1,700 on a personal loan from 2004.
Do we need to talk about how important this would all be if Bryce were a Republican?

I don't think so.

Chelsea Handler? Really?

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