Sunday, November 5, 2017

SNL: Sarah Sanders, 'Polack' 'Dumb as a Box of Rocks'

On Saturday Night Live, Aidy Bryant portrayed White House press secretary Sarah Sanders as a foul-mouthed liar.

Here's video:

It's awful, of course.

Embedded in the horrible taped piece is an ethnic smear.

Once again, SNL mocks Polish people.

AIDY BRYANT (Sarah Sanders):
Well, hang on now, 'cuz it's riddle time, y'all. This is gonna help you understand the new tax plan. All right? Ten people have a bar tab of $100, right? But the eighth man is a Polack, OK? So, he's dumb as a box of rocks.

"Dumb as a box of rocks"?

Why would they have Sarah Sanders say something like that?

Terrible show.

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