Thursday, March 12, 2020

Extended Bar Hours During Dem National Convention

Extending bar hours?

What about the pandemic?

Are supposed to assume the pandemic will be over by July and no longer posing a health threat?

No NBA games. No attendance at NCAA tournament. Universities closed. High schools and grade schools closed. Concerts cancelled. People told to work remotely. No European flights into the U.S. Will these measures contain the virus enough to make holding the convention a responsible move?

I assume the Democrat convention in Milwaukee will be cancelled. There is no reason for that event to proceed while all the others aren't permitted to take place.

We can't host an indoor gathering with people from all over the country descending on the city.

It would be a massive health risk. All the bars, hotels, and restaurants filled with possible Coronavirus carriers would put the health of Wisconsinites in serious danger. Everyone in the city for the convention would be put at risk as well.

If the Democrat party doesn't care, Mayor Tom Barrett should. He needs to do the right thing for his constituents as well as the people of Wisconsin.

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