Monday, April 20, 2020

Fabiola Santiago Wishes Death on Trump, DeSantis Supporters

Fabiola Santiago, columnist for the Miami Herald, wishes death upon supporters of President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

On Sunday, Santiago tweeted:

Packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in #Florida who value money over health.

— Fabiola Santiago (@fabiolasantiago) April 19, 2020
From Aaron Klein, Breitbart:
Some north Florida beaches reopened while many in central and south Florida remain closed.

Newly reopened Jacksonville Beach only allows “essential activities” which include “recreational activities consistent with social distancing guidelines such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, running, swimming, taking care of pets and surfing.”

Beach-goers cannot sunbathe or bring towels, blankets or beach chairs. The beaches reportedly don’t allow “lingering on the beach without moving” or gatherings of more than 10 people.

Santiago’s controversial tweet embedded a Miami Herald article sensationally titled, “Packed Florida beach offers glimpse of what may come when outdoor spaces are reopened.”

The Herald story included two images of scores of people walking on the beach, but it was not clear from the pictures whether those photographed were violating the social distancing rules. The closeup images seem to show people keeping distance but those who can be seen were not wearing masks or other face coverings. The story itself does not report that anyone violated social distancing rules.

At today’s White House Coronavirus Task Force’s briefing, Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, was asked about the beach reopenings in Florida. Reporters did not similarly bring up the marina and boatyard reopenings in harder-hit New Jersey, New York and Connecticut or Manhattan’s continued opening of Central Park to the general public.

“If the county health directors believe that that’s appropriate for their county, then I’m not going to second judge an individual’s approach to this,” Birx said of the Florida beach news.
Santiago deleted her stunningly offensive tweet, offering the following explanation.

Her explanation is crap. She claims she "would never wish harm on anyone."


Fabiola did not "sound an alarm about prematurely opening up the country and the state" by hoping people would die from the Wuhan virus, to "thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters." She didn't begin a policy discussion with her tweet. She revealed the true nature of her soul.

She's deranged, like her Democrat/Leftist pals.

Fabiola needs to reflect on the state of her psyche because she's clearly a mess.

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