Monday, April 20, 2020

Milwaukee Magazine - COVID-19 FAKE NEWS

Follow the science.

Look at the facts.

In other words, don't get your news on the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in Wisconsin from Milwaukee Magazine.

From Milwaukee Magazine:

As hundreds of protestors gathered near Brookfield Mall on Saturday — some waving Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and standing close to one another in direct defiance of the Safer at Home order while begging the governor to reopen the state — the novel coronavirus continued to spread throughout Wisconsin.

Between March 25 and April 18, more than 100 cases have been confirmed every single day except one.

State leaders continue to say that this is proof Safer at Home is working. That’s because the number of known cases of the virus haven’t been skyrocketing like they did in New York City, in the Wuhan province of China and in Italy.

But the spread hasn’t slowed down, as evidenced by more than three weeks of consistent increase. Deaths haven’t slowed down much either. At least six people have died from COVID-19 every day so far in April in Wisconsin.

...[T]he spread hasn’t slowed down, as evidenced by more than three weeks of consistent increase. Deaths haven’t slowed down much either. At least six people have died from COVID-19 every day so far in April in Wisconsin.

And in Brown County — the state’s fourth-most populous county, centerpieced by Green Bay — it’s gotten way worse. In less than two weeks, the county’s case total more than quadrupled from 41 cases to 204.

...It’s the possibility of localized breakouts like this that have health experts scared.

...Whether mass gatherings like what happened in Brookfield on Saturday and having an in-person election on April 7 will exacerbate Wisconsin’s outbreak remains unclear.
This is garbage. It's Fake News.

Of course, there are still new cases in Wisconsin and there continue to be deaths. There are new outbreaks. No kidding.

However, the spread statewide has slowed down. Deaths peaked 15 days ago.

One week ago, FOX6 News reported:

Governor Tony Evers and officials with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services said Monday, April 13 the spread of the coronavirus is slowing -- and there are signs of hope on the horizon. They indicated this after noting the slowest one-day increase in positive cases since March.
Milwaukee Magazine needs to work on its research and cut the Fake News.

Also, the in-person April 7 election obviously did not exacerbate the Wuhan coronavirus in Wisconsin. Thankfully, there was no spike in cases after the election. It did not happen.

The incubation period for COVID-19 is between 1 and 14 days. Usually, symptoms develop within 5 days.

Hospitalizations in Wisconsin are actually down.

Obviously, Democrat/Leftist media outlets, like Milwaukee Magazine, are invested in fear. They want the public to be afraid rather than be informed.

Frightened people are more willing to give up their freedoms to the government. As long as we're afraid, they hold power over us.

The thing is the SCIENCE is giving us reason to be hopeful, even though a lot of people don't want us to know it.

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