Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Media Matters Lies About Greg Gutfeld, 'The Five'

Democrats/Leftists/Media Matters hacks no longer get away with their lies.

Here is the truth:

While the Democrats/Leftists/Media Matters hacks were playing with impeaching the president, others were focusing on the alarming situation in Wuhan, China. The only concern the Democrats/Leftists/Media Matters hacks showed about the virus was exploiting it to accuse the president and others of being racist, xenophobic, the usual name-calling.

Here is a lie, from Andrew Lawrence, Deputy Director of Rapid Response, Media Matters:

The ensuing back and forth:

Democrats/Leftists/Media Matters hacks have a problem with facts.

They think that saying something makes it so.

It doesn't.

Facts are facts.

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