Monday, April 20, 2020

Nancy Pelosi, Chris Wallace, and Chinatown

Chris Wallace confronts Pelosi with that embarrassing video from February 24. She seems uncomfortable and stumbles around a bit, but Wallace doesn't challenge her unfounded accusation that President Trump was saying things that caused Asian Americans to suffer discrimination and become a target of violence across the country.

Wallace just accepts her claims about discrimination and violence against Asian Americans because of the president.

Pelosi contends that Chinese Americans were discriminated against because the president identified the virus as coming from China.

Wallace doesn't pose the question: Where did the deadly virus originate?

When dealing with a pandemic, the place of origin of the virus and how it travels matters.

Wallace did make Democrat Pelosi squirm a little but he spared her the complete humiliation she deserves. He didn't really hold her accountable for the terrible things she said about the president and his administration inciting violence against Asian Americans.

Pelosi got a pass again.

If Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues had been calling the shots at the beginning of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in the US, there would not have been an early travel ban and more Americans would have died and would still be dying.

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