Monday, April 20, 2020

Roger Roth and China's Resolution

The Chinese Communist regime is doing everything it can to control the damage it did by unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus on the world.

But asking Roger Roth of the Wisconsin State Senate to introduce a pre-written resolution from the Communist regime and put it to a vote takes its disinformation campaign to a new level.

From the Financial Times:

When Roger Roth received an email from the Chinese government asking him to sponsor a bill in the Wisconsin state legislature praising China’s response to coronavirus, he thought it must be a hoax. The sender had even appended a pre-written resolution full of Communist party talking points and dubious claims for the Wisconsin senate president to put to a vote.

“I’ve never heard of a foreign government approaching a state legislature and asking them to pass a piece of legislation,” Mr Roth told me last week. “I thought this couldn’t be real.” Then he discovered it was indeed sent by China’s consul-general in Chicago. “I was astonished . . .[and] wrote a letter back: ‘dear consul general, NUTS’.”

It is impossible to see this episode as anything but another disastrous own goal in Beijing’s attempts to boost its global standing in the time of coronavirus.

From the deplorable treatment of African citizens in southern China to the export of faulty medical equipment, or the official endorsement of conspiracy theories blaming the US military for the outbreak, most of the Communist party’s efforts to control the international narrative have backfired.
This is, in fact, "NUTS."

I wish the Democrats and the Democrat/Leftist media would stop being the willing partners of the Chinese Communist regime in its propaganda campaign.

Unfortunately, there is no chance that wish will come true.

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