Saturday, April 18, 2020

Tony Evers Doesn't Follow the Science - Open Wisconsin

According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Wisconsin could be ready to relax social distancing with containment strategies on MAY 18.

After May 18, 2020, relaxing social distancing may be possible with containment strategies that include testing, contact tracing, isolation, and limiting gathering size.

The blue shaded area indicates when Wisconsin is projected to be ready to implement a containment strategy, May 18.

As the following chart shows, Wisconsin's health care system is managing the Wuhan virus outbreak very well. There are no shortages of hospital beds, ICU beds, or ventilators.

Peak hospital resource use occurred on April 11.

According to the models, daily deaths in Wisconsin from the virus peaked 12 days ago.

Total deaths in Wisconsin from the Wuhan virus projected by August 4 is 302, down from 951 just a couple of weeks ago.

Tony Evers needs to follow the science.

Shutting down Wisconsin until after Memorial Day is NOT following the science.

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