Saturday, April 18, 2020

Tony Evers' Emergency Powers Last 60 Days

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers is running out of time.

From FOX6 News:

Gov. Evers' powers run out on May 11, but the administration's new Safer at Home extension runs past that now -- to May 26. Now, state Republicans will challenge the extended order.

"We are going to the Supreme Court," said State Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills). "People are really desperate, we're losing jobs. There's so many people who file for unemployment. It's just very, very frightening. We have to get Wisconsin back to work."

While Gov. Evers' powers run out on May 11, the secretary of health services has separate powers with no defined time limit. Wisconsin law says the Department of Health Services "may close schools and forbid public gatherings in schools, churches, and other places to control outbreaks and epidemics."

Conservatives say, if there is no longer a public health emergency, then the DHS loses its legal foundation. They also bring up the constitutional protections for the right to assemble, free speech and religion.
Republicans should challenge Evers' demands.

Wisconsin can begin to reopen from Evers' economic and social shutdown without jeopardizing health.

Grocery stores and restaurants and pharmacies and other businesses have put measures in place to protect workers and customers.

We know it can be done.

We're able to make adjustments to keep people safe.

Evers isn't following the science. He's just following the orders of his Democrat leaders.

Truly sick.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Hey---Please help us subjects of King Tony what to do. Who are the best to contact? with emails and phone numbers. Thanks