Friday, May 1, 2020

'30 Days to Slow the Spread' - OVER!

We did our part to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.

Although we faced varying degrees of hardship because of the governor's tyrannical lockdown, we succeeded in flattening the curve.

In Wisconsin, our health care system was nowhere near overwhelmed.

Nonetheless, tyrannical Tony Evers intends to infringe upon Wisconsinites' rights for another month.

I've had enough. I certainly will continue to follow the guidelines of social distancing, wearing a mask when required, etc.

But my mindset has changed. We can function out in public. We don't have to be paralyzed. We've been shopping and keeping ourselves alive for the past six weeks. Time to quit promoting fear.

We really need guidelines to stop the spread of fear. Nothing is more paralyzing. Tyrannical leaders know that and they exploit it.

Do what's right for your health and what's right for maintaining your freedom.

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