Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Flattening the Curve

Flattening the curve to avoid the collapse of the health care system was achieved.

Fifteen days to slow the spread. Then, thirty days to slow the spread. Now, tyrannical governors and their Democrat/Leftist mouthpieces are demanding more and more extensions to do... something. What is the purpose? It's certainly not to flatten the curve.

We cannot wait for a vaccine. People have gone without health care for nearly two months as hospitals engage in layoffs. Unemployment is skyrocketing. The fallout from this economic shutdown is catastrophic and deadly. Never-ending lockdown is not a plan for the American people.

COVID-19 is not the only problem requiring attention.

The "cure" most definitely has become worse than the disease.

We know what this is really about. Politics. Democrats want to regain power. They are willing to destroy millions and millions of lives to attain it.

It's an evil strategy.

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