Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tony Evers - Emergency Order #36

Tony Evers and Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Andrea Palm issued new rules yesterday.

Violators of their latest decrees are "subject to 30 days in jail or a fine of $250."

Here's the press release:
Gov. Evers Announces Another Turn of the Dial for Wisconsin Businesses
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced another turn of the dial on Safer at Home to add even more opportunities for Wisconsin businesses to get back to work in a safe and responsible way.

Emergency Order #36, signed today by Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Andrea Palm, allows all standalone or strip-mall based retail stores to offer in-person shopping for up to five customers at a time while maintaining required social distancing practices. Additionally, the Emergency Order signed today allows drive-in theaters to operate with some restrictions. All businesses must continue to follow all safety precautions and guidelines as outlined in the Safer at Home order.

"In addition to added flexibilities and steps we have already taken for businesses, this is another disciplined turn of the dial that will allow Wisconsin's business owners to safely get back to work and Wisconsin consumers to support their favorite local spots," said Gov. Evers. "Both customers and workers need to be confident in their safety, so we need everyone to be diligent in following best safety practices so we can continue to move our state forward while keeping our neighbors, families, and communities safe and healthy."

Today’s order builds upon the Safer at Home order and the last turn of the dial through Emergency Order #34, which together allowed golf courses to operate, aesthetic and optional lawn and construction services provided by a single employee, curbside pick-up for public libraries, and every business to provide deliveries, mailings, and curbside pick-up and drop-off services.

Emergency Order #36 is available here and goes into effect immediately. If you have questions regarding Emergency Order #36, please review the frequently asked questions document available here. 

In addition to the requirements outlined above, all essential and nonessential businesses must review and consider the Wisconsin Department of Economic Development guidelines on safe business practices, available here.
From WISN 12 News:
Stores with less than 50,000 square feet must limit capacity to 25 percent including employees.

Stores with more than 50,000 square feet must limit capacity to four customers per 1,000 square feet.

Those stores must also offer at least two hours per week for customers who may more be at-risk of contracting the coronavirus.

The order also allows drive-in movie theatres to operate with some restrictions.

"In addition to added flexibilities and steps we have already taken for businesses, this is another disciplined turn of the dial that will allow Wisconsin's business owners to safely get back to work and Wisconsin consumers to support their favorite local spots," Evers said. "Both customers and workers need to be confident in their safety, so we need everyone to be diligent in following best safety practices so we can continue to move our state forward while keeping our neighbors, families, and communities safe and healthy."

All schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year.

Weddings and funerals will continue to be limited to 10 people at a time.

Bars and restaurants will remain closed except for pickup and carryout service.

Barber shops, hair salons and spas will remain closed.

The order goes into effect immediately.

It will be enforced by local law enforcement.

Violators are subject to 30 days in jail or a fine of $250.
Oh goody!

Drive-ins can open, but with severe restrictions.

For example:

Patrons may leave their vehicles to purchase or pick up food or drink from the theater or to use the restroom. Patrons must remain in their vehicles at all other times.

The closest drive-in is about THREE HOURS AWAY, and I don't think it opens until after Memorial Day.

Five people allowed in a store?

That's insane.

Forcing people into poverty and government dependence is not an effective strategy to deal with this particular virus.

The continued restrictions on our rights as protected by the Constitution, especially the free exercise of religion, really disturb me. Mass is an essential service. The fact that churches have been shuttered for months is unacceptable.

Local law enforcement have been charged with enforcing these ridiculous, arbitrary orders by Evers and Palm.

I've had enough. I'm done. Time to take my life and liberty back responsibly, of course.

Individuals need to determine how best to manage the threat of the virus as it relates to their specific situations and act accordingly.

We all manage risk every single day of our lives. We make choices every day that affect our personal well-being as well as society at large. Suddenly, we're deemed helpless in making those choices?

I won't accept being stripped of my rights anymore. I'm done.

Why are Evers and Palm and their Democrat comrades so invested in ripping people's lives apart?

Why are they so bent on controlling life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Are they really willing to do irreparable damage to millions of Wisconsinites to suit their political interests?


Yes, they are.

They don't care about you.


Read the frequently asked questions document here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Mary. I've had it!

Wisconsinites elected a school teacher as their Governor and now they are being treated like six-year-olds in an elementary school. Anyone who reads that FAQ from the Governor's office and doesn't feel revulsion at that demeaning document is unAmerican.

"Will I be required to carry documentation to leave my home?"

Would any true American with a modicum of self-respect ever ask such a question of their political representative? Can you imagine Thomas Paine asking King George such a question?

"Can I travel?"

"My local government also issued an order like this. Which one do I follow?"

"Does my business or employees need documentation to continue working?"

"My employer is making me come to work, but we are not an essential business."

"What is considered an essential business?"

"Can I go outside for walks, outdoor exercise, or to play?"

Obviously Wisconsin's Governor does not consider Wisconsin citizens as self-reliant, intelligent, freedom-loving individuals. He does not consider us adults. In his eyes we are children!

"Can I go outside...to play?" This is a question a child asks his mommy!!!

I am a free citizen of a free state in a free country! Mr. Governor, with all due respect and consideration for the rights of my fellow citizens, I will do whatever I damn please! Try to stop me!

As for you, Governor, resign. Go back to your kindergarten class room where lording over little children is the expected norm.

As for my fellow citizens, I have but one question: "Have you no shame?"