Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Message To Democrats, Leftists, Never Trumpers, Marxists, and Anarchists - Inauguration Day 2021

I'm seeing on Twitter lots of Democrats/Leftists celebrating that at noon ET today President Trump will "go poof."

That's ridiculous.

President Trump won't be in the White House for the next four years, but he's not going to "go poof."

Moreover, Trump's coalition of voters, 75 million strong, are not disappearing at noon.

Tens of millions of Americans were disenfranchised when Democrats targeted a handful of battleground states and messed with their election laws, allowing Democrats to count illegal votes and steal the election.

Seventy-five million Americans don't want our rights ripped away. We don't want to live in a Socialist country. We want to be free and not controlled by a massive centralized government.

Joe Biden stammering and slurring his way through the oath of office at noon in DC will not make us "go poof."

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