Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Mitch McConnell - Swamp Dweller

So many in President Trump's party plotted against him.

It sickens me to think how much more could have been accomplished during his presidency if those Republicans had rallied around him instead of trying to undercut him at every turn.

If McConnell and those of his ilk think the 75 million Trump voters are going to side with them now, they're wrong.

The future of the Republican party is not with the corrupt Mitch McConnell. If they go along with that sham impeachment, their political careers are over.

The past four years have redefined the Republicans. The party has been transformed. The Swamp Dwellers need to get on board or get out of the way.

Without the Trump coalition of voters, the Swamp Republicans face extinction.

I'm proud to be Never McConnell.

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