Sunday, October 30, 2022

Obama in Milwaukee

Has-been Obama is oozing anger, probably because he was so ineffective and humiliated in Michigan. Obama's anger isn't energizing or convincing. It's creepy, the rantings of a madman.

Of course, Democrats/Marxists/Leftists are thrilled by Obama's performance, reigniting the sense of belonging they had long ago when he was their cult leader.

Slamming Ron Johnson the way he did, painting him as an evil man bent on ripping Social Security away from seniors, is shameful.

Ron Johnson understands Wisconsinites. He understands the issues that matter to us. We've sent him to the U.S. Senate twice. We know him. Obama can scream all he wants. That won't change anything.

We don't want the radical policies of Mandela Barnes. We don't want Barnes to represent us in the Senate. He's an extremist. The notion that washed up Obama can come to Wisconsin and convince people to vote for a far-Left Democrat candidate like Barnes is crazy.

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