Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris Campaigns in Milwaukee Today

From AP:

Vice President Kamala Harris is making her first visit to a battleground state Tuesday after locking up enough support from Democratic delegates to win her party’s nomination to challenge Republican former President Donald Trump, two days after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid.

As the Democratic Party continues to coalesce around her, Harris is traveling to Milwaukee, where she will hold her first campaign rally since she launched her campaign on Sunday with Biden’s endorsement. Harris has raised more than $100 million since Sunday afternoon and has scored the backing of Democratic officials and political groups.

Kamala Harris raised $100 million in a day and a half, and secured enough Democrat delegates to win the nomination after Democrat thugs forced Biden to drop out of the race.

The plot to depose Biden, beginning with that early debate in June, is an affront to the American people. A small cabal directed Biden's removal and selected Harris. No one cast a primary vote for her. I don't know what this is but it's not democracy. It's not government of the people, by the people, for the people.

It's rigged.

So where and when is the Harris rally?

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, those details aren't available yet. How can that be?
Her trip to Milwaukee was announced just after the Republican National Convention ended in the same city — but before Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris as his replacement. White House officials confirmed Monday the trip was still on.

It's not yet clear where Harris will speak in Milwaukee, and at what time. Follow along with the Journal Sentinel as we share updates about the details of Harris' trip, what she'll talk about and how Wisconsin politicians respond.

...Where will Kamala Harris speak in Milwaukee?

The location where Harris will speak in Milwaukee hasn't been announced.

Harris could make only one stop, or she could visit multiple locations in Milwaukee — it's not clear yet.

When will Kamala Harris speak in Milwaukee?

This also isn't known yet.
Why wouldn't details be set at this point? This wasn't a surprise visit. It was announced when the RNC ended.


Biden's fake campaign, followed by his fake presidency, and then another fake campaign has morphed into Harris's fake nomination and fake campaign.

This should give pause to every American.

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