Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dem Presidential Candidates for Death

Democrat presidential wannabes are rushing to secure the Culture of Death vote.

WASHINGTON -- Elizabeth Edwards said Tuesday that her husband's health-care plan would provide insurance coverage of abortion.

Speaking on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards before the family planning and abortion-rights group Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Edwards lauded her husband's health-care proposal as "a true universal health-care plan" that would cover "all reproductive health services, including pregnancy termination," referring to abortion.

Edwards was joined by Democratic candidates Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) at the group's political organizing conference in addressing issues at the core of the political clash between cultural liberals and conservatives, including abortion rights, access to contraception and sex education.

...All three of the Democratic campaigns used the forum to signal their determination to appoint Supreme Court nominees who would uphold the 1973 Roe vs. Wade abortion ruling.

Socialized medicine guaranteeing death on demand--

What a vision for America!


steveegg said...

Speaking of that, if memory serves, abortion coverage as well as contraceptives are also covered under the CubaCare plan pushed by the state Senate.

No wonder why they so vehemently oppossed conscience clauses for pharmacists.

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Mary said...

It would make sense that performing as many abortions as possible and covering contraceptives would be part of a universal health care plan.

Less people means less strain on the system.