Monday, August 13, 2007

Let's Talk about Chris Matthews

I first heard Drudge play this clip on his show last night.

NewsBusters had it yesterday morning along with the transcript.

Today, it's all over radio and the Internet.

I don't think that's because the "evil Right-wing attack machine" is bent on slamming Chris Matthews.

I think it's because Matthews' behavior is so terribly out of line.

On Friday evening's low-rated Hardball, Matthews was interviewing Erin Burnett and made a complete fool of himself.

MATTHEWS: Could you get a little closer to the camera?

BURNETT: What is it? Is it (garbled) in strangely?

MATTHEWS: Come in in...come in further...come in closer...really close.

(Burnett leans towards camera.)

BURNETT: What are you, what are you doing?

MATTHEWS: Haw! Haw! Just kidding! You look great! Anyway, thank... Erin it's great to have...look at that look... You're great...

BURNETT: I don't even know. I'm going to have to go look at the tape here. I'm in a strange location.

MATTHEWS (laughing): No, you're beautiful! I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding! You're a knockout! Anyways thank you, Erin Burnett. It's alright getting bad news from you even. Okay. Thanks for coming on Hardball.

What a sexist pig!

Matthews really has gone off the deep end.

Read other instances of Matthews plunging over the edge here and here and here.

I wonder. Is respected journalist and CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric going to weigh in on this?

What about NOW?

Where's the indignation from the alleged feminists?

You can bet if Bill O'Reilly pulled a move like Matthews did he would be crucified by the libs. Oh, that's right. O'Reilly was

Here's MSNBC's transcript of the August 10 Hardball.

There's no editing.

Every sexist word is preserved.

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