Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ron Paul is Unfit to Serve

I can deal with the fact that Ron Paul is a nutjob.

What's more troubling to me is that he has amassed a group of such committed followers.

I don't understand how they can ignore Paul's positively loony, truly dangerous side.

Posted by Doug, at Free Republic:

For those who have doubts that Ron Paul would be an acceptable commander in chief, your doubts would have been absolutely confirmed if you listened to him this morning on WHO 1040 talk radio in Des Moines, Iowa.

He came on Jan Mickelson's show at about 8:50am, Pacific Time. I was the second caller.

After complimenting him on his commitment to the Constitution, I asked a question about foreign policy. If any of you can pull the podcast, you can hear the conversation.

The question went something like this: Dr. Paul, if a shipment of nuclear tipped missiles was heading from North Korea to Iran, knowing the position of Ahmadinejad and the mullahs, would you stop that ship or sink it?

His answer was stunning. He very quickly answwered, "No, why would we do that?" After that question back to me, he commented that there was almost zero chance of that happening. He said that if he knew they planned to use them against us, he would take action. But they know they would be obliterated.

I wanted to challenge him further over Iran's stated goal of destroying Israel, but I was apparently cut off by the host and couldn't do it.

There you go, folks. Dr. Paul is an unthinkable commander in chief.

And people have donated millions of dollars to get this man elected to be the president of the United States?



Anonymous said...

You mean he is "unfit to serve" if he is won't set off a war to save Israel's skin? Let those religious loonies in the Middle East protect themselves from one another (Israel has over 300 nukes, Iran, none). Time for Uncle Sam to get out of that stinking cesspool of religious wars which have been going on for thousands of years and which likely will continue for a few thousand more. The whole damned area is not worth one American life or one American dollar. If you get a chance, mention this to Bill Kristol, Wolfowitz, Pohoretz and the rest of the AIPAC war mongers who are all intent upon dragging into war with Iran -- let these lobby-fed fat-cats with Israeli citizenship fight for their own country (whatever it might be).

Anonymous said...

So if the United States were to send a shipment of nukes into Iraq, should the Russians bomb our American shipment because it may threaten their business partner, Iran? In fact, shouldn't every country just bomb every other country that they *think* may endanger somebody else?

Ron Paul says that if the U.S. Congress wanted to declare war or take action against a country because of the danger they pose (such as what you described), then he would support it. But he would never go at it alone. Duh.

And you apparently feel that he would be "unfit" to be Commander? ... but something tells me you are not in the military or do not have any family currently serving. NEWSFLASH: More U.S. military troops have sent money to Ron Paul than ANY other Republican candidate. Are you surprised?

Perhaps you are better suited to judge who is fit to be Commander and Chief over our own military troops?

You need to get caught up on the info. If the military is supporting Ron Paul -- maybe you should too.

genetrosper said...

Calling someone a "nutjob" is hardly intelligent political discourse.

Mary said...

I disagree. Some of the things that Ron Paul says are absolutely off-the-wall deranged.

In this case, it's unintelligent discourse to NOT call Paul a nutjob.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Ron Paul says that if the U.S. Congress wanted to declare war or take action against a country because of the danger they pose (such as what you described), then he would support it. But he would never go at it alone. Duh.

Congress gave its approval, yet Ron Paul whines on and on about the decision. Is that support? And did we "go it alone"? How insulting is that to our Coalition partners?


NEWSFLASH: More U.S. military troops have sent money to Ron Paul than ANY other Republican candidate. Are you surprised?

I'm not surprised by this spin on the part of the Paulistinians.

reporter in the Houston Chronicle says,

“many contributors do not disclose their occupations, making it difficult to determine the total extent of military contributions to any one candidate.” More importantly, the amount of contributions are incredibly small, hardly proving much of anything.

This is in regards to this.

if one compares the 3rd Quarter statistics of Paul and McCain regarding the contribution amounts of those who do not list their employer, 100 dollars worth was given to Ron Paul's coffers, compared to that of McCain's: 2,244,223.39. Out of all of that money, how much of that could have been donated by active and retired veterans? Or "Affiliates" of the military? We don't know. But it seems clear, by the paltry $100 given by the person(s) not listing employment, that the Ron Paul supporters are overwhelmingly listing their employment when making contributions.

Michael Goldfarb at The Weekly Standard (yes, that evil bastion of neoconservatism! Buwahahaha!) writes,

among all the candidates, the total number of contributors surveyed here numbered less than 1,000--out of an Armed Forces of 2.2 million. And, remember, most of these contributors aren't even active duty.

So yes, Andrew [Sullivan], those tasked with fighting this war do get it, which is why they aren't donating to Paul. The only real report we have on political contributions from active duty military in this election cycle has Paul taking in just over $19,000, and that's only counting donations larger than $200. So, maximum, we're talking about 90 active duty soldiers who we know have actually contributed to Ron Paul's campaign. The rest is pure speculation, and the Chron's tally of $63,440, with its average of $500 per donation, is unlikely to be populated by many of the guys who are "actually fighting this war."

Perhaps you are better suited to judge who is fit to be Commander and Chief over our own military troops?

Quit co-opting the military and the Constitution!

You need to get caught up on the info.

Did I help you get caught up, now?

Mary said...

Excellent as always, WS.