Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Calm Down?

The curse-spewing one with the explosive temper is telling me to calm down?

Well, that's annoying.

PHOENIX -- Republican John McCain, buoyed by Super Tuesday wins that pushed him closer to the nomination, told his conservative critics Wednesday to dial back the animosity and focus on issues where they agree.

"I do hope that at some point we would just calm down a little bit and see if there's areas we can agree on," McCain said at a news conference in a Phoenix airport hangar.

Reinforced by Tuesday's returns as the front-runner in the Republican race for president, the Arizona senator took a break from campaigning to return to Washington, where he planned to speak to a gathering of conservatives Thursday.

He was talking about well-known talk radio figures and commentators, such as Rush Limbaugh, some of whom are talking about boycotting McCain's candidacy if he captures the nomination.

"I think they've made their case against me pretty eloquently, and I think the majority of Republicans across the board have stated their view," McCain said.

He said he has no plans to reach out personally to Limbaugh, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson or others but would let his message speak for him.

"Our message will be that we all share common principles, common conservative principles, and we should coalesce around those issues in which we are in agreement and I hope respectfully disagree on a few specific issues there's disagreement on," McCain said.

This ticks me off.

I really have no sympathy for McCain.

It's unrealistic for him to expect conservatives to just roll over.

I think McCain is taking for granted conservatives' aversion to Hillary. He's banking on getting a solid anti-Hillary vote.

I'm sure he's laughing, confident that conservatives will support him because they have no other choice.

Not true.

If McCain doesn't make a significant effort to mend the rifts and make a shift to the Right, I will choose not to vote for him.

I hate being taken for granted.


Anonymous said...

McCAin is right. You ultraconservatives have had your run, and now even your Republican party has grown weary of it. If you don't rejoin the Republican fold, you will have tolled your own death knell. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Here are the facts regarding MY view:

I dislike most Democrats (They spend big but think SMALL)

I can't stand Hillery and the thought of another four more years of Vile-Bill is gross.

Im not a rabid conservative, but like fiscal conservatism

There is NO WAY I will, or would, vote for John McCain

Mary said...


What do you mean by "[y]ou ultraconservatives"?

What do you mean by "your Republican party"?

You don't know me. I'm not "ultraconservative" and I'm not a Republican.

Grow up?

How lame!

Mary said...


You have a decision to make, as do all conservatives.

Who is the lesser evil?

Hillary or McCain?