Friday, February 8, 2008

Obey Endorses Obama

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Wausau Congressman Dave Obey has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president.

Obey, the state's senior federal lawmaker and chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, had supported John Edwards in the race until Edwards withdrew just ahead of this week's Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses.

Obey's endorsement was one of the remaining plums among the state's top Democratic officeholders that was available to Obama or rival Hillary Clinton.

I wouldn't call Obey's endorsement a "plum."

While Obey's support may help Obama in the Wisconsin primary among the libs, I don't see why Obama would want to be associated with someone like Obey.

He's a bit of a loose cannon.

Examples here and here and here and here.

Yeah, what a plum!

Obey's statement:

"For eight long years, in extreme partisanship, George W. Bush has governed this country by dividing it. He has pursued disastrous foreign and domestic policies and has stubbornly refused to listen to anyone's views except those who march in lockstep with him. America desperately needs a new president who can reach across old barriers to form new alliances that can produce a new era of optimism and a healthier respect for the needs of others."

Well, that's a negative, divisive statement!

Is that Obama's message? I thought he wanted to be America's president, blue states and red states.

I wouldn't think this "new era" of unity and respect would include the likes of Obey.

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