Monday, May 12, 2008

The Obama Cult and Hitler

Although I think a tremendous amount of Barack Obama's success can be traced to "cult of personality" factors, I think it's a major mistake to draw any comparisons to Hitler.

I don't think it's wise for anti-Obama proponents to juxtapose images of Hitler and Obama. It's ridiculous. It's over the top. It's stooping to tactics employed routinely by the fringe Left.

Hitler is one step away from Satan.

I think an Obama presidency would be a real disaster, but Hitler?

Good grief.

Stick to how wrong Obama is on the issues, how inexperienced he is, how twisted his liberal mindset is.

The Hitler comparison is inappropriate.

It's wrong when applied to President Bush. It's just as wrong to apply it to Obama.

I think such comparisons minimize the enormity of the catastrophe unleashed by Hitler and the horrors of the Holocaust.

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