Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The "Not Alex" Ad is Driving Me Nuts

I can't stand it anymore.

MoveOn and AFSCME's anti-John McCain TV ad, "Not Alex," is absolutely driving me crazy.

The actress, holding a baby, says straight into the camera:

"Hi, John McCain.

"This is Alex. And he's my first. So far his talents include trying any new food and chasing after our dog. That, and making my heart pound every time I look at him.

"And so, John McCain, when you say you would stay in Iraq for 100 years, were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can't have him."

First, if McCain is elected, he can serve no longer than two terms, eight years.

"Alex" would be about nine years old at the end of McCain's second term. I don't think McCain is counting on "Alex" to serve in Iraq.

By the time "Alex" is old enough to serve, McCain will not be setting policy in Iraq. No way.

The "You can't have him" line is SO stupid.

McCain and the actress playing the mother will be dead in 100 years. In all likelihood, "Alex" will be dead, too.

Second, is the ad suggesting that there will be a draft? It must be. How else would sweet baby "Alex" be ripped from his mother's arms and sent to Iraq?

If there's not a draft, then I guess the only way little "Alex" would serve in the military is if he chose to volunteer.

The ad is based on a lie. It's intentionally deceptive and created to distort what McCain said and meant. It perpetuates the false information that Barack Obama uses on the stump.

The ad is utterly lame. It plays solely on an emotional level. There's nothing rational about it. It makes no sense at all.


Anonymous said...

What about William.


Mary said...

Thanks for the comic relief.

Next time I see "Alex" and his "mom" I'll think of William instead.