Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hey, Harry Reid! We're Not Sick!

Harry Reid has proclaimed:

Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world. We've got to stop using fossil fuel. We have... for generations taken it out of the earth, carbon out of the earth, and put it in the atmosphere and it's making us all sick. And it's changing our world.

Video here.


Reid says that coal and oil are "making us all sick."

I guess Reid hasn't heard this:

For the first time, U.S. life expectancy has surpassed 78 years, the government reported Wednesday.

The increase is due mainly to falling mortality rates in almost all the leading causes of death, federal health officials said. The average life expectancy for babies born in 2006 was about four months greater than for children born in 2005.

...The new U.S. data, released Wednesday, come from the National Center for Health Statistics. It's a preliminary report of 2006 numbers, based on data from more than 95 percent of the death certificates collected that year.

..."I think the most surprising thing is that we had declines in just about every major cause of death," said Robert Anderson, who oversaw work on the report for the health statistics center.

Health statisticians noted declines of more than 6 percent in stroke and chronic lower respiratory disease (including bronchitis and emphysema), and a drop of more than 5 percent in heart disease and diabetes deaths. Indeed, the drop in diabetes deaths was steep enough to allow Alzheimer's disease -- which held about steady -- to pass diabetes to become the nation's sixth leading cause of death.

...U.S. life expectancy has been steadily rising, usually by about two to three months from year to year. This year's jump of fourth months is "an unusually rapid improvement," Preston said.


"Declines in just about every major cause of death."

"Declines of more than 6 percent in stroke and chronic lower respiratory disease (including bronchitis and emphysema), and a drop of more than 5 percent in heart disease and diabetes deaths."

"U.S. life expectancy has been steadily rising."

The health statistics center report counters what Reid said, yet Reid is out there screaming that global warming is "making us all sick."

I don't think Reid knows what he's talking about.

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