Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack HUSSEIN Obama

It's a new day.

This moment is historic.

Now we can acknowledge that Barack Obama has a middle name.

The New York Times says it, loud and proud:

Barack Hussein Obama, a freshman senator who defeated the first family of Democratic Party politics with a call for a fundamentally new course in politics, was nominated by his party on Wednesday to be the 44th president of the United States.


Is using Obama's middle name the politics of fear?

If so, take it up with the New York Times.


Anonymous said...

No, but using all capital letters and being giddy about it makes`me feel embarrased for you.

Mary said...

You should feel embarrassed for the liberal media and the Obama campaign.

They put a muzzle on anyone daring to mention Obama's middle name.

I used the caps to provide emphasis, not as a display of my giddiness.

The point of my post is to highlight how silly the Left has been.

Obama's parents gave him a middle name. It's "Hussein." Big deal.

Does this make you feel better?

John SIDNEY McCain.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you realize that people on the right have been emphasizing his middle name as a way to feed the malicious rumors that he is a muslim.

When you use all caps for his middle name on a right wing blog such as this one, many people will see that as a negative attack on Obama. No matter what your point is.

I'm all for criticism of the media. The few corporations who own everything we hear, see, and read are operating a monopoly marketing machine that delivers poor information in all areas. The monopoly media may be very liberal on social issues, but it is very conservative on economic and foreign policy issues.

Mary said...

Search my blog. I have said repeatedly that Obama is NOT (sorry about the caps) a Muslim.

When you use all caps for his middle name on a right wing blog such as this one, many people will see that as a negative attack on Obama. No matter what your point is.

Then you, and many people, are guilty of misjudging me.

What do you mean by this?

a right wing blog such as this one

Anonymous said...

Barry has a lot of names.

Anonymous said...

No matter what the point of the post is, most people on the internet simply skim the headlines.

By having a headline with Obama's middle name in all caps, you feed into the malicious attacks and rumors being spread around primarily by right wing blogs, newsletters, and radio programs.

If I yell "fire" in a theater and cause people to react in the way most people react when they hear such a yell, I can't explain away the reaction I caused by saying that everyone should have known that I didn't actually mean there was a fire in the theater.

By right wing blog, I mean a blog that has a bunch of links to right wing websites while consisting primarily of posts that nitpick Obama while supporting Republican causes.

Mary said...

Hey, it's not my problem that people are allegedly too lazy to read the post.

I repeat: Obama's middle name is Hussein. BIG DEAL.

If you have a problem with this post, then you must have a problem with the NYT article that I cite. It begins, "Barack Hussein Obama," the first three words.

Or does the NYT get a pass because "Hussein" isn't in the headline?

Speaking of nitpicking...

Anonymous said...

Since iberals claim that the violence, sex, etc. in movies and TV shows don't influence behavior in young children, why should the accurate use of somebody's name be so scary. They just know it will influence somebody's vote? Please.

Mary said...

His name is his name -- first, middle, and last.

It is what it is.

I think it was a mistake for Obama and his supporters to be so defensive about it.