Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Is No Dick Cheney

Here is an e-mail from Joe Biden:

SUBJECT: Right after the speech
FROM: "Joe Biden"

Friend --

After we walked off the field at Mile High, Barack and I had some official business to attend to -- signing the papers to add our names to the ballots.

At that moment, the general election officially began.

Since you've been at the core of this campaign every step of the way, we thought you should be there too.

Watch this short behind-the-scenes video and make your first donation to the general election now.

This new phase of the campaign will move quickly. By the time you read this, we may even know who John McCain has chosen to be the next Dick Cheney.

No matter who it is, it won't change the fact that John McCain simply isn't prepared to bring the change we need.

But far more important than McCain's choice is the choice of whether we tackle the general election with the fierce urgency that the stakes demand.

And that choice is yours.

Please make a donation of $5 or more today:



"This new phase of the campaign will move quickly. By the time you read this, we may even know who John McCain has chosen to be the next Dick Cheney."

Oh, Joe.

Joe, Joe, Joe.

That is not going to work.

Democrats will not be able to paint Sarah Palin as "the next Dick Cheney."

For one, I think Sarah Palin can handle a gun better than Vice President Cheney.

Is Dick Cheney a vibrant, working mother of five?

Sarah Palin is no Dick Cheney.

Without question, the Democrats' over-the-top demonization of Dick Cheney has been cheap and juvenile.

Clearly, Biden is playing "politics as usual" in this rather embarrassing e-mail.


Anonymous said...

Biden is the Dick Cheney in this election. The person that doesn't have enough experience that's a presidential candidate is Barry Obama. Joe Biden is his Dick Cheney.

Mary said...

That's true.

And Bush had so much more experience when he first ran than Obama does.