Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama: Risky and Scary

Barack Obama has a problem with FOX News.

That's to be expected.

Unlike MSNBC and CNN, as well as ABC, CBS, and NBC, FOX is not actively campaigning for him.

From Politico:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) personally went on the attack Wednesday on a best-selling new book that falsely describes him as a closet Muslim.

Talking about "The Obama Nation," Obama said author Jerome Corsi was just making "stuff up."

“But it gets a lot of play on Fox News,” he said to loud boos.

...Obama said GOP attackers “will run negative ad after negative ad, attack after attack, with the goal of making you lose focus on the issues. … and focus on me and try to make me out to be a risky, scary guy.”

“Now I must say: I don’t find myself particularly scary or particularly risky," he said.

The McCain and GOP ads I've seen here in Wisconsin have been very focused -- on the issues and on McCain's superior experience.

The ads have not made me lose focus on the issues at all.

They're very clear.

Do the ads make Obama out to be a risky, scary guy?

Not in the way that Obama claims.

The ads do point out that Obama's policy positions and his stunning lack of experience make him a risky choice to be president.

The ads don't play on bigotry. They don't question Obama's patriotism. They don't suggest that Obama is a Muslim.

Personally, I do find the prospect of my taxes going through the roof to be scary. Yes, I do find the prospect of having a president who considers Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be a model Supreme Court justice to be scary. I do find the prospect of having a president who is so extreme when it comes to abortion that he wanted to withhold medical care from babies born alive during botched abortions to be scary. Actually, that I find barbaric. It's scary and barbaric.

Obama doesn't think of himself as "particularly scary or particularly risky."

Why would he? He doesn't feel threatened by his radical views. He believes in them. "Citizen of the world" Obama wants America to be a nation grounded in them. He embraces the positions of the far Left. He's comfortable on the fringe. The ultra-Left is his comfort zone.

He's really a Mr. Nice Guy. I'm sure his friends William Ayers and Tony Rezko would attest to that.

Obama keeps trying to paint himself as a victim. He's a victim because of the color of his skin. He's a victim because of his name. He's a victim because for 20 years he was a member of a church with a racist, anti-American pastor. Obama is just a nice guy unfairly under attack.

Yeah, no.

The ads I've seen focus on the issues and Obama's qualifications to be president.

When one examines Obama on the issues and Obama's qualifications, it's reasonable to consider Obama to be a very risky, scary guy.

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