Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama's Lies and "Pocket"

According to FactCheck.org, Barack Obama's new ad, titled "Pocket," is an "overstatement."

I think that's being kind. Obama takes the low, low road. The ad is deceptive.

Obama released a TV spot saying McCain's campaign got $2 million from "Big Oil" while McCain proposed "another $4 billion in tax breaks" for the industry.

The truth is that McCain's campaign has received $1.33 million from individuals employed in the oil and gas industry, not $2 million. Obama himself has received nearly $400,000, according to the most authoritative figures available. We find the $2 million figure is based on a mistaken calculation.

Furthermore, McCain is not proposing new tax breaks specifically targeted to the oil industry. He's proposing a general reduction in the corporate income tax rate, which Democrats figure would benefit the five largest oil and gas companies by $3.8 billion.

McCain's camp responded to Obama's attack ad:
"Barack Obama's latest negative attack ad shows his celebrity is matched only by his hypocrisy, after all it was Senator Obama, not John McCain, who voted for the Bush-Cheney energy bill that was a sweetheart deal for oil companies," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said in response to the spot. "Also not mentioned is the $400,000 from big oil contributors that Barack Obama has already pocketed in this election."

FactCheck.org notes:
It bears repeating, as we've reminded readers before, that oil companies themselves don't make donations. It's illegal under federal law for corporations to donate directly to candidates and has been since 1918. The ad refers to donations from executives and employees of oil companies, given either directly or through company-sponsored political action committees, or PACs.

Both candidates accept donations from individual employees of oil companies. In fact, when Obama claimed in an ad last March that "I don't take money from oil companies," we criticized him for being a little too slick.

Obama is politics as usual. Change? What change?

As long as McCain forcefully and immediately responds to Obama's attacks, I don't think Obama's lies will resonate with the public.


Watch the ad here.

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