Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bristol Palin and Conan O'Brien

The late night talk shows are as obsessed with Sarah Palin as the rest of the media.

Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien can't seem to stop talking about her, meaning making jokes at her expense.

I don't know about David Letterman. It's a rare occasion when I watch his show. I used to be a real fan and regular viewer, but now, I can't stand him.

I digress.

What I find truly despicable is the way O'Brien keeps using Palin's pregnant 17-year-old daughter as fodder for jokes.

Last night, O'Brien did a bit called "Googling with the Stars."

Here's how he set it up:

O'BRIEN: Exactly what somebody googles can be quite revealing about them as a person. If you know what they're googling you can find out about their true self. That's why we thought why not take a look at what some of today's celebrities are googling in their spare time.

Now, it's hard to do because it's very private, but thanks to a joint not quite legal effort headed up by our research and IT departments, I bring you a little thing we call "Googling with the Stars."

Hillary Clinton, Tom Brady, John McCain, George W. Bush, Kirstie Alley, and others were targeted.

It should be noted that Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, the Obama children, Malia and Sasha, and Joe Biden were not included. Amazing, isn't it?

I guess O'Brien's writers just can't come up with any jokes about them.

But O'Brien and company do find humor in mocking Bristol Palin.

O'BRIEN: We have Bristol Palin's Google search form. That's right. There she is. And apparently, she recently googled the following: waiting 'til marriage, plus 2 and a half wine coolers, plus oops... is something that she... apparently. Again, this is all very private. If that bothers you, you shouldn't have come to this taping. Uh... You should know the show you're visiting.

I really think that's inappropriate.

Bristol Palin is not a public figure. She's just 17.

I wonder how O'Brien would feel if his children were mercilessly mocked on network TV. I wonder how O'Brien's wife would feel. I wonder how O'Brien's children would feel.

Not too good, I'm guessing.

Some of O'Brien's stuff is really funny, but he's taken an ugly turn.

Not cool, especially considering the guy is just months away from taking over The Tonight Show.


Anonymous said...

Hey, your a douche. It's a joke. Get a sense of humor. I am rooting for McCain/Palin, but people in the limelight will always get heckled. Get with it.

Mary said...

Hey, I'm guessing you're 15 or 16.

Anonymous said...

last i checked neither conan's nor obama's kids are pregnant and out of wedlock.
and really if youre taking this that seriously its time to get out of your house and do something with your life.

Mary said...

Last I checked, their daughters are too young to become pregnant.

That's not the point. A 17-year-old, not a public figure, is being abused. It's not right.

Any parent should be able to understand that.

Anonymous said...

it's hardly abuse.
my guess is she knows better than to take it seriously.
try giving that a shot.

Mary said...

Why don't you follow Obama's lead?

"Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."

Obama said reporters should "back off these kinds of stories" and noted that he was born to an 18-year-old mother.

"How a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be the topic of our politics, and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that's off-limits."

I agree with Obama that the candidates' children should be off limits.

Obama hopes that anybody who is supporting him understands that.

Try giving that a shot.

If he's being sincere about leaving the children alone, Obama must be very, very disappointed in his supporters.

Anonymous said...

i don't see your support of his family when he was targeted though. thats the thing. if you really felt that FAMILIES should be off limits, you would have been on at the opera about that months ago when they were calling Obamas little girls nappy headed ho's and calling his wife a baby's mama. you are complaining about your saviour McCain calling Chelsea Clinton ugly and the product of Janet Reno. These are not comments made by anyone but comedians. NOT the NEWS press, not OTHER news media. you don't have a leg to stand on and you are clearly not objective in this fight, everyone can see it but you.