Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tim Robbins, John McCain, and Charles Manson

From Politico:

“Distractions.” Actor-activist Tim Robbins uses the term frequently these days to describe the sideshows that are drowning out more important reporting and information. Watching this year’s election coverage with both anger and amusement, Robbins seems mystified as to why the media treats stories like the recent lipstick-on-a-pig “controversy” as legitimate news.

“When McCain’s campaign out-and-out lies, why is that a story? Why report the lie?” he asked. “If Charles Manson calls and says that he’s innocent of committing murder, is that a story? Well, no, Charles, you’ve been convicted, it’s a lie and we all know it, so we’re not going to run that story. Isn’t there an attempt made to say, ‘Look, that’s not true and we’re not going to print it’?”

Robbins isn't specific about "McCain's campaign out-and-out lies."

What's he talking about? What lies?

I think it's a DISTRACTION to liken McCain and his supposed lies to someone like Charles Manson.

...This week, Robbins spoke with Politico and discussed a wide range of subjects, from Hollywood politics to his favorite news sources.

I think this is hilarious:
POLITICO: What do you regularly watch or read to catch up on the news?

ROBBINS: “The Daily Show.” I’ll check in and see what the lead stories are on CNN and MSNBC. I know what the lead is on Fox, so I don’t feel the need to continue to torture myself. Often times, I’ll just watch the baseball game.

Yeah, Jon Stewart is a regular Edward R. Murrow.

Of course, Robbins only watches CNN and MSNBC and bashes FOX.

MSNBC is the most unfair and unbalanced and unhinged cable news network in the country.

It makes sense that it would appeal to Robbins.

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