Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Anita Moncrief

UPDATE, October 30, 2008: An Acorn Whistleblower Testifies in Court

HARRISBURG -- A former staffer for an affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now testified today that the organization was provided a "donor list" from the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in late 2007 for fundraising efforts.

Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, D.C. staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign. Moncrief said she has a copy of a "development plan" that outlines how Obama contributors who had "maxed out" under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors.

Moncrief testified that ACORN and Project Vote were virtually identical.

This is an interesting development.

I suppose Barack Obama will deny knowledge of this list of campaign contributors being handed over to Project Vote (aka ACORN), just as he denies having significant ties to ACORN.


From Michael J. Gaynor: "Why Obama and ACORN Fear Anita MonCrief"


Anonymous said...

This simply is more proof the the United States is under attack from within by left-wing radicals. While the USA was getting fat and happy, visiting the spa, taking cruises and buying second homes on golf courses, all while paying less and less attention to politics, these people were organizing and planning the take over.

And ya know what? They might have succeeded. The problem is that these radicals aren't that smart and they don't understand how complicated and intertwined the world is and they cannot begin to imagine the size and degree of the impact in the world that their stunt is going to cause. They live in their own little uneducated, delusional world and truly believe that they have the ability to control everything in this country.

What they are going to find is that if they are successful in their "quest," things will spiral out of control so fast they won't have a clue as what to do to make it stop. E.g. Harry Reid when he said nobody knew what to do about the credit crisis and the coming panic and subsequent runs on banks, he closed up the Senate and sent everybody home. Nice.

IMHO, this is going to get ugly if Obama is elected. Businesses are already laying people off by the thousands in anticipation of the economy not having a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere for the foreseeable future. Very few are going to want to take any risks in starting or expanding businesses when folks know that the political party in control of the country wants to use your business's money to garner votes. It's just not going to happen. Do Obama and his fellow left-wingers think that businesses are just going to keep on making money so they can give it to him to dole out? Does he really think that markets will support his "economic" plan? It's just not going to happen and Obama and his fellow left wingers will not begin to fathom why this is not possible

Socialism doesn't work anywhere and it's really not going to work here. I feel incredibly bad for the families that live paycheck to paycheck and don't have enough savings to weather this mess for the next two to four years. The welfare rolls are going to swell and more people than ever are going to depend upon the government, which is exactly what the Democrats want to solidify their power. Combine Obama and his radical left-wingers and the current world economic situation and there is a recipe for disaster.

Or maybe everything magically will work out just fine. But more than likely Obama, in the Oval Office, is going to say more than once or twice, "Wow, I didn't think that would happen. What do we do now?"

Anonymous said...

BTW, keep an eye on the WSJ tomorrow for an eye opening article about Acorn and its many incarnations.

Mary said...

I heard John Fund has the story.