Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quotes from the Obama-Khalidi Tape

I came across this on Little Green Footballs.

Doug Ross writes:

I received a tip from a person who has provided useful, accurate and unique data from LA before (e.g., "All six of CNN's 'undecided voters' were Democratic operatives"). Take it for what it's worth, but I believe this person is on target.
Saw a clip from the tape. Reason we can't release it is because statements Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying "Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine" plus there's been "genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis."

It would be really controversial if it got out. Tha's why they will not even let a transcript get out.

If accurate, that would be damaging to Obama.

Ross provides some answers to questions about his post:

Update/FAQ on this post

Is there really a tape? Yes. The Times has acknowledged that the tape exists.

Why won't the Times release the tape? They've now come up with four reasons over the past few days for suppressing the video. None of the answers make sense.

Do you know who sent the tip? No.

Why believe the tip? While I receive a lot of tips and links, I seldom publish them. This particular email address has provided accurate and unique information in the past, as I noted above. No one else reported the information and I found it to be accurate in the past. As I said, take it for what it's worth.

Why doesn't the Times just publish a transcript? Why indeed.

Barack Obama should personally request that the Times release the video.

That would end all this speculation.

If Obama has nothing to hide, why not let the truth out?

The sooner the better.


Anonymous said...

This blog is absurd and indicative of how little regard many now have for truth: not some ridiculous narrative peddled by the media or by pundits, but truth (supported by reputable, unbiased sources). Learn to see through the fog. Otherwise you're just a drone peddling an opinion that someone else sold you . . . You're not even a decent conservative: go look at the tenets of conservatism and see if this bullshit you're shoveling ads up. Bye.

Mary said...

It would be so simple to get to the truth.

Release the tape.

I don't want to shovel BS. I want to see the video.

Anonymous said...

I think the tape should be released on the condition that if these are all lies, there is no need for the election and McCain should step aside. That's only fair. If Obama has said such things, this election is all over, but if he hasn't and these are all lies (and it's so stupid for Obama to think he can get away with saying that and still running for president), then McCain should step aside and let us get on with our lives.

Anonymous said...

This is how McCain supporters spend their last days of the campaign? Hoping and crossing fingers that a tape of a dinner affair with a Columbia U. Professor of Middle East studies comes to light?

Goodness gracious.

Maybe if McCain's supporters spent more time on get out the vote efforts and talking positively about McCain's plans you all would have a fighting chance on Tuesday!!

Mary said...

What makes you think that McCain-Palin supporters are spending the last days of this campaign focusing on the L.A. Times suppressing news?

How silly to assume that!

It's certainly something that deserves attention, but it's hardly the sole concern.

We can multi-task.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe you don't spend all of your time on the LA Times video, but I just counted the negative Obama stories on your front page. Out of about 30 entries, at least 25 of them trash Obama and the other few aren't directly about the election. That's the problem...

McCain supporters have spent little time talking about McCain's strengths and initiatives and instead have focused on Obama's negatives. No one has given me a reason to even consider McCain except that Obama would be such a bad idea. That doesn't get people to vote for McCain, it just keeps them home from voting! And that's not a good thing!

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Maybe if McCain's supporters spent more time on get out the vote efforts and talking positively about McCain's plans you all would have a fighting chance on Tuesday!!

We have a fighting chance. And if MSM would do its job and actually serve America's interest and not simply service the interests of one political party, we'd have this election under wraps, by now.

Mary said...

I haven't conceded this election by any means.

All the gloating by the Left is a bit premature.

There's no question that the mainstream media have disgraced themselves. They've failed the American people.

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Obama is what he is and always has been, not what he purports to be.

It's too bad too many people are so easily misled and too lazy to do a little research, which is exactly what Obama was counting on.