Monday, October 20, 2008

John Kerry Depends on John McCain

John Kerry, loser of the 2004 presidential election, is still acting like a loser.

Obama-Backing Senator Makes Crack About McCain Wearing Adult Diapers

At a business summit on energy, reports, a prominent supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Mass., made a crack about Sen. John McCain's age.

"These are the exciting last two week moments of the presidential campaign," said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., today in Cambridge, Mass. "So it's a very special time. I can't wait for it to be over. I am so tired of the press' silly questions that they ask along the way. And cable television which reduces everything to stupidity - the lowest common denominator of conflict."

"I don't know if any of you know what it's like. I do, obviously," Kerry told the crowd. "I've been asked all of those brilliant questions that were repeated this year...Barack got asked the famous boxers or briefs question. I was tempted to say commando...

"Then they asked McCain and McCain said, ‘Depends,'" Kerry said.

What a cheap remark!

What a stupid, ugly thing to say!

That's not befitting a U.S. senator and a former presidential nominee of the Democrat Party.

Is Kerry what the Democrat Party has become? I guess.

The Dems are getting really cocky. They think they can say anything now.

They think they have won this election.

What does Barack Obama have to say about this?

Democratic White House nominee Barack Obama on Monday accused his Republican foe John McCain of pursuing "small" and "ugly" politics in an eleventh hour bid to rescue his White House hopes.

Obama launched a blitz of crucial swing state Florida, which will see him hold a double-bill rally with former primary foe Hillary Clinton later Monday, by rebuking McCain for his tactics, 15 days before election day.

"In the final days of campaigns, the say-anything, do-anything politics too often takes over," Obama told thousands of supporters in a rally at the spring training headquarters of baseball's New York Yankees.

"We've seen it before and we're seeing it again -- ugly phone calls, misleading mail, misleading TV ads, careless, outrageous comments," Obama said.

"It's getting so bad that even Senator McCain's running mate denounced his tactics last night. As you know, you really have to work hard to violate Governor Palin's standards on negative campaigning," Obama said.

What a leader!


Anonymous said...

It is funny joke, tho. I'm sure kerry botched the delivery. He probably told it well up until the last few seconds of the joke, then got startled and lost the punchline. He's a hypocrite, anyway. How many years before he shits his pants, too?

Anonymous said...

They just aren't going to understand how in the world they could have lost the election.

Anonymous said...

McCain supporters DID NOT shout kill him. This is another liberal myth run amok. How can you keep quoting made up fairy tales and still feel any kind of validation?

The only people saying "people all over the country won't vote for him because he's black" are LIBERALS. It's a ready made excuse! If Obama loses this is what liberals will blame it on and not possibly his radical associations and/or socialist policies. That's really sad. It shows the immaturity and downright childishness of the Democratic party.

PS. Is this is the best Kerry could come up with? Craig Ferguson does the McCain old age jokes just about every night and it's tired (although Craig is far funnier than Kerry will ever be.)

Merge Divide said...

So what's your version of the story? Was it Palin supporters? If this didn't happen (and millions of Americans didn't hear it on YouTube recordings), then why hasn't McCain or Palin (or anyone from their campaign staff) denied it happened? Why did McCain admonish his frenzied supporters at a rally the following Friday? Why did the FBI and the secret service investigate the seriousness of the threat?

There are plenty of people saying that folks won't vote for Obama because he's black. Did you ever hear of the Bradley Effect? Well, for many conservative pundits, it is their last, best hope. How about this video?


Ain't no racists there, no suh!

This election would be a blow-out in favor of Obama if Americans were color-blind.